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Expert Legal Strategy

Client: Executive of a Company


A senior executive, representing a company, found themselves in a precarious situation after inadvertently becoming a party to a contract with a significant hotel and property group. In the event of a dispute, the client's personal liability was at stake rather than the company's. Seeking a legal solution, the client turned to Mark Taitz for guidance.

​Multifaceted challenges

Personal Liability: Due to a contractual agreement, the client was personally liable for any disputes or claims arising from the contract, placing their personal assets at risk.

Complex Legal Framework

The legal intricacies surrounding the situation required an innovative and unconventional approach to protect the client's interests.

Court Victory

Winning the case and recovering costs while preserving the client's personal financial security was paramount.


Mark Taitz was entrusted to devise a legal strategy that achieved the following objectives:

Eliminate Personal Liability: Find a way to shift the liability from the client to the company and avoid personal financial repercussions.

Victory in Court

Develop a compelling argument and strategy that would secure a favourable court decision with the additional benefit of recovering legal costs.


Taitz's approach to tackling this challenging situation involved:

Contract Analysis: A meticulous examination of the contract to identify any loopholes or ambiguities that could be exploited.​

Legal Precedent Research: Extensive research to find precedents or legal arguments that could be leveraged to the client's advantage.​

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Exploring ADR options to encourage a settlement favourable to the client while avoiding protracted litigation.​

Creative Argumentation: Crafting a unique and innovative legal argument that could effectively shift the liability from the client to the company, based on specific contractual clauses and legal principles.


Mark Taitz's innovative legal strategy yielded remarkable results:

Personal Liability Averted: Through a compelling legal argument, Taitz successfully shifted the liability from the client to the company, protecting the client's personal assets​

Court Victory with Costs: Taitz's unique legal approach not only spared the client from personal liability but also secured a favourable court decision in their favour. Furthermore, the client was awarded costs, adding an additional layer of protection to their financial security.


Mark Taitz's ingenious legal strategy not only shielded the client from personal liability in a complex contractual dispute but also secured a victory in court with the client being awarded costs.

This case exemplifies Taitz's ability to think outside the conventional legal framework and craft innovative solutions to protect his clients' interests and financial well-being.

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